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  • 山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司

    山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司,始建于1977年,原煤炭部定点煤机重点骨干企业,国家公布的批刮板输送机和带式输送机定点生产厂家,国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,首批通过国家“两化融合”认证单位,中国制造业500强,中国信 山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司是一家高新技术企业(2022),该公司成立于2002年12月31日,位于太原市小店区北营南路46号,目前处于开业状态,经营范围包括煤矿机械制造、加工、安装 山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司 爱企查山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司前身为山西煤矿机械厂,始建于1977年,于2002年底改制为有限责任公司,是设计生产煤矿用输送设备的专业制造商,是原煤炭工业部定点57个骨干煤机企业之一,批全国公布的刮板输送机、带式 山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司简介: 山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司(曾用名:山西煤矿机械制造有限责任公司),成立于2002年,位于山西省太原市,是一家以从事科技推广和应用服务业为主的企业。山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司 天眼查

  • 山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司 爱企查

    2023年9月6日  山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司成立于2002年12月31日,法定代表人为冯金水,注册资本为11,000万(元),统一社会信用代码为p,注册地位于太原市 1 天前  公司主导产品包括刮板输送机、转载输送机、破碎机、带式输送机自移机尾和皮带机等生产实力CNA CN38A CN3A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 3 A CN3 A CN 3A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords monitoring area diagnosing monitored fault Prior art date Legal status (The legal CNA Google PatentsCNA CN76A CN7A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 7 A CN7 A CN 7A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords waste residue scraper rubber conveyer conveyer dirt loader Prior art date Legal status CNA Google Patents

  • 山西煤矿机械厂破碎机磨粉机设备

    2019年11月1日  山西煤矿机械设备山西煤矿机械设备批发、促销价格、产地 山西煤矿机械设备 相关产品 所有类目 实力商家 买家保障 CNA CN CNA CNA CN A CN A CN A CN CN CN CN A CN A CN A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords round tube order seam sheet material tube Prior art date Legal status (The legal CNA Technology and apparatus for making helix tube CNU CN05U CN0U CNU CN U CN U CN U CN 05 U CN05 U CN 05U CN 0 U CN0 U CN 0U CN U CN U CN U Authority CN China Prior art keywords chain CNU Separated resistance chain device Google PatentsThe invention relates to a device for testing chain tension, in particular a portable chain tension tester, which is characterized by comprising two connecting plates (1) and two oil cylinders (2), wherein two ends of one connecting plate (1) are respectively detachably connected with two ends of the other connecting plate (1) through one oil cylinder (2); and the two oil cylinders (2) CNA Portable chain tension tester Google Patents

  • CNU 胶带输送机对射式跑偏传感器 Google Patents

    CNU CN87U CN8U CNU CN U CN U CN U CN 87 U CN87 U CN 87U CN 8 U CN8 U CN 8U CN U CN U CN U Authority CN China Prior art keywords The invention belongs to machinery fields, are related to a kind of chain tightener gear meshing device, including rack, triangle rotating turret, meshing gear, eccentric wheel rotation slot and eccentric wheel;Meshing gear be arranged on triangle rotating turret and with plane parallel where triangle rotating turret;It is provided with eccentric wheel rotation slot on triangle Chain tightener gear meshing device Google PatentsPURPOSE: To freely select a vibromotive direction by mounting an eccentric weight on two rotary drive shafts arranged in parallel and reversing them synchronously to generate a centrifugal force due to unbalanced moment for application of vibration CONSTITUTION: Two rotary drive shafts 1, 2 arranged in parallel are set in such a way that their mutual phases can be changed to alter Vibromotive machine for structure testing Google PatentsDownload PDF Info Publication number CNA CNA CN69A CN6A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 6 A CN6 A CN 6A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords rod chain detection rods shapedCNA 一种链条的加工辅助工装 Google Patents

  • GBA Measuring chain tension Google Patents

    A device for measuring the tension in a chain has sections 36,40,44,48 which are pinned together with the device surrounding links 32 of the chain Adjustment of the device is by turnbuckles 95 Hydraulic rams 52 are used to pull the links towards one another and so measure chain tension The rams may be pressurised by a hand pump 93 and a gauge 94 used to measure the B CN6XA CN6A CNB CN B CN B CN B CN 6 A CN6 A CN 6A CN B CN B CN B Authority CN China Prior art keywords tension protective cover middle plate data receiving receiving device Prior art date CNB Google PatentsThe utility model relates to a stopper device of a scraper conveyer The stopper device is mainly and structurally composed of a baffle frame, a positioning pin, a wedge, a handle, a supporting plate, a pin shaft plate, a bolt and a gasket The baffle frame is provided with a resistance balance ring groove and a wedge, wherein the resistance balance ring groove and the wedge are Stopper device of scraper conveyer Google PatentsThe invention provides an Eshaped pin for a telescopic belt conveyer, belongs to the technical field of conveyers, and provides an Eshaped pin which is simple in structure, convenient to assemble and disassemble, safe, stable and reliable The Eshaped pin for the telescopic belt conveyer comprises plug pins and plug heads, wherein the plug head is arranged at one end Eshaped pin for telescopic belt conveyer Google Patents

  • CNB Google Patents

    CNB 铝合金厚板卷圆壳体的纵向对接缝的定位及焊接方法 Google Patents CNA CN20A CN2A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 2 A CN2 A CN 2A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords cylinder welding straight spiral circle Prior art date Legal status (The legal status is CNA Google PatentsCNA CN01A CN0A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 0 A CN0 A CN 0A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords guide telescopic tail head groove Prior art date Legal status (The legal status is an CNA Google PatentsThe invention provides a simple rotary roller device for a belt conveyor The simple rotary roller device for the belt conveyor can be adapted to narrow transportation space and is difficult to damage; the service life of a roller is prolonged In order to solve the technical problems above, the technical scheme adopted by the invention is that the simple rotary roller device for the belt Rotary roller device for belt conveyor Google Patents

  • CNA 四点接触球轴承沟道淬火感应器 Google Patents

    CNA CN9XA CN9A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 9 A CN9 A CN 9A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords bottom plate inductor raceway groove point contact contact ball Prior art date CNA CN6XA CN6A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 6 A CN6 A CN 6A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords tension protective cover acquisition device middle plate plate Prior art date Legal CNA Google PatentsThe invention relates to a telescopic machine head device of a transfer conveyor, provides a novel telescopic machine head device of the transfer conveyor, and belongs to the technical field of design and manufacturing of parts of underground coal mine transportation equipment The machine head device adopts double telescopic cylinders which are symmetrically arranged CNA Telescopic machine head device of Google CNY CN 3 CN3U CNY CN Y CN Y CN Y CN 3 CN3 CN 3 CN 3 U CN3 U CN 3U CN Y CN Y CN Y Authority CN China Prior art keywords scraper plate scraping plate plc near switch utility Prior art date CNY Scraping plate fault protector Google Patents

  • Selfmoving device for loading mechanism Google Patents

    The utility model discloses a reversed loader selfmoving device; a front poppet of the device is connected below a grade climbing section of a reversed loader body, double lugs at the left and right sides of the front poppet are connected with pulling and moving jacks, and the other ends of the two pulling and moving jacks are connected with lug bases at the front ends of left and right CNA CN65A CN6A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 6 A CN6 A CN 6A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords plate side backing backing plate chuting welded Prior art date Legal status (The legal CNA Installed and welded chuting device ofCNA CN72A CN7A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 7 A CN7 A CN 7A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords hinged seat height regulating device actuator guide holder Prior art date Legal CNA 机头调高装置 Google PatentsCNA CN85A CN8A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 85 A CN85 A CN 85A CN 8 A CN8 A CN 8A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords band infrared CNA Google Patents

  • CNA 模切机卸料装置 Google Patents

    CNA CN59A CN5A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 5 A CN5 A CN 5A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords sleeve pipe die cutting machine unloading device interior axle Prior art date Legal status The invention relates to the technical field of mine high strength circular chain heat treatment, in particular to a new mine high strength circular chain monocyclic tempering method In the prior art, tempering after monocyclic quenching is mostly selftempering by controlling monocyclic quenching cooling time, and the method is highly related to the experience of an operator, and Novel mining single ring tempering method Google PatentsCNU CN 8 CN8U CNU CN U CN U CN U CN 8 CN8 CN 8 CN 8 U CN8 U CN 8U CN U CN U CN U Authority CN China Prior art keywords opening housing travel switch flexible CNU 一种本质安全型跑偏传感器 Google PatentsCNA CN79A CN7A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 7 A CN7 A CN 7A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords track slide lug vehicle frame plate Prior art date Legal status (The legal status is an CNA Google Patents

  • CNA Machining method and device for Google

    The invention relates to a machining method and device for a connecting cover window of a transmission device, in particular to a machining method and device for a connecting cover window in a conveyer transmission device used for coal mines, belongs to the technical field of design and manufacturing of underground coal mine transporting equipment parts, and CNA CN59A CN5A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 5 A CN5 A CN 5A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords sleeve pipe die cutting machine unloading device interior axle Prior art date Legal status Unloading device of diecutting machine Google PatentsCNA CN06A CN0A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 0 A CN0 A CN 0A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords plc head tail pipe belt afterbody Prior art date Legal status (The legal status is an CNA Google PatentsCNA CN 9 CN9A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 9 CN9 CN 9 CN 9 A CN9 A CN 9A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords sealing component hydraulic load CNA 静态/动态轴密封件 Google Patents

  • TWIB 用於基地台收發器和用於行動收發器之裝置

    TWIB TWA TWA TWIB TW I B TWI B TW IB TW A TW A TW A TW A TW A TW A TW I B TWI B TW IB Authority TW Taiwan Prior art keywords data transceiver data packet control mobile transceiver Prior art date CNB CN84A CN8A CNB CN B CN B CN B CN 8 A CN8 A CN 8A CN B CN B CN B Authority CN China Prior art keywords frequency converter scraper conveyor fault motor chain Prior art date Legal status CNB 一种基于刮板机变频器及ai Google PatentsA novel telescopic multipoint feeder mainly comprises an electric roller, a support, a roller, a lower tensioning belt carrying roller, a cylinder, a parallel upper carrying roller, a fixed pin, a spacing support and a belt, wherein the electric roller is fixed on the support, the electric roller when powered on drives the belt to carry out bidirectional transportation, and the lower sides of CNU Novel telescopic multipoint feeder Google CNB CN20A CN2A CNB CN B CN B CN B CN 2 A CN2 A CN 2A CN B CN B CN B Authority CN China Prior art keywords cylinder spiral welding straight bearing block Prior art date Legal status (The legal CNB Google Patents

  • CNA 一种综掘工作面滑靴式自移机尾 Google Patents

    CNA CN79A CN7A CNA CN A CN A CN A CN 7 A CN7 A CN 7A CN A CN A CN A Authority CN China Prior art keywords machine tail oil cylinder fixedly connected supporting sliding shoe Prior art date The invention relates to a belt conveyor, in particular to an annular belt conveyor The annular belt conveyor comprises a bracket, a driving device, a rotary drum, a carrier roller and a conveyor belt, wherein the carrier roller is arranged on the bracket; the conveyor belt is supported on the carrier roller; two ends of the conveyor belt are sleeved on the rotary drum; an included angle CNA Annular belt conveyor Google Patents

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